пятница, 29 сентября 2017 г.

The seat

The seat
The seat

The seat

14 4:47 PM.jpg

how about adjusting an directable vin and the end and an row of straight flattend Bottlles under the drifter. Flattend straight bottles we can make by packing an row of bottles in some wet old towels or somewhat a like and put them between 2 Metal plates, press and heat then untill the towels are damping. Just a few exersiese with 2 or tree bottles untill you find the real temperator.

We then could open them and put an bended peach off plywood inside and glue them together

The final step!

Finally, you must construct the gunwales. The gunwales are the railings that go around the edge of the boat. In this project, they are useful for carrying the boat and reducing the amount of water that splashes in. Glue 2 rows of bottles side by side around the edges of the largest layer, being sure to gently curve them to a point at the bow and stern. After you have glued these in place, add one more row of bottles on top of the gunwales, for additional height/splash protection.

Step 8: Completion


Now you're ready to take it out on the water. By far the best method of paddling is a regular kayak paddle. I've used a canoe paddle before, but it's significantly more difficult to keep the boat going straight. I weigh about 180 pounds, and what might be called the "deck" of the boat sits juuuuuust above water level. If you're any heavier than me you may want to consider adding a third layer of bottles to the hull. This should

provide you with enough buoyancy to keep you from getting too too wet. Keep in mind though, this is just a glorified bath toy and I wouldn’t expect to stay very dry while using it.

My hope is that this Instructable is helpful in guiding you in constructing your own boat from recycled bottles. You're welcome to ask me any questions if it isn't clear enough, and please feel free to get creative with your own design (I'm hoping for a viking longboat). Have fun and good luck!

A note on repair and recycling:

If a bottle gets punctured or damaged, its easy to replace. First, carefully cut it out using a utility knife. Next, peel off the old glue. This can usually be done by hand, but you may need to scrape off stubborn bits with the knife or sandpaper. Finally, just glue a new bottle in its place!

If you wish to recycle the bottles used in this project, you'll need to disassemble the boat. This is a courteous gesture to your local recycling plant workers who don't want to deal with a large, unwieldy object. It's also necessary. The glue must be removed before the plastic can be recycled. The adhesive I used can be peeled off by hand. Sand off any stubborn bits, or cut those sections out of the bottle.

Original article and pictures take http://m.instructables.com/id/Make-an-open-kayak-from-recycled-bottles/step6/The-seat/ site

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