четверг, 30 марта 2017 г.



Crochet scarf 1 003

Tiny free-form stitches – layered and layered on the front of a garment to be constructed next week at craft camp.

I have a box full of these little embroideries. Modern boro that has been started and not finished. A constructed skirt that was started but put

to one side as the denim is too unyeilding. A larger piece that was coming along beautifully until life got in the way and I somewhow can’t catch the muse that inspired the beginning. They will all be finished one day – and there is beauty in that as well – a nod to the origins of Boro that came from mending, an appreciation of wabi-sabi, and the evolutionary nature of this kind of art form.

A recent inspiration came from Annekata, and her link to Junko Oki’s work, which had me pick up the needle again and sit by the fire on a cold weekend, in the company of Oscar who was more than happy to chill out and relax with me.

Crochet scarf 1 005

Match made in heaven really. A warm fire, a relaxed cat and an armful of threads. Will post the finished garment when it’s done.

Original article and pictures take https://formandreform.wordpress.com/2012/05/21/exhale/ site

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