31 Incredibly Useful Tips Every Anxious Traveler Needs To Know
Andrew Richard / BuzzFeed
We asked members of the BuzzFeed Community to tell us how they deal with anxiety while they’re traveling. Here are their best tips for still having the time of your life.
Andrew Richard / Via BuzzFeed
1. Take pictures of all the things you’re afraid of not doing before you leave.
“The oven knobs, the thermostat, the locks, WHATEVER. That way when you freak out you have proof that you did it.” —alexw59
2. Pack the biggest, baggiest, softest sweatshirt you have.
“And make sure it smells like home. It’s a nice grounding tool, as well as a portable sleeping bag/hideaway for plane rides.” —Charlotte Hood, Facebook
3. Bring a few snacks with you.
“I’m a picky eater so I always get anxiety about eating when traveling. I always make sure to pack granola bars and other snacks that travel well and can replace a meal. Just in case I can’t find anything I like to eat. It always takes a lot of the risk away from trying new foods! If you don’t like it, you can always eat a granola bar at the hotel!” —mackenzieh4ddd795f1
4. Pick a spot for all your important items so you’re less likely to think you’ve lost them.
“Have a system for where all the important items (ID, debit/credit cards, meds) go. For example, I had one pocket in one bag where those items always were unless I was using them at the time. That way you don’t need to fret (as much) about whether you lost crucial items or not.” —camit4ff2cda51
5. Plan your trip during “shoulder season” when it will be less crowded.
“AKA times right before and right after peak travel season. That way, the weather is still good, but the crowds are at a minimum. I have major crowd anxiety. Most tour books/informational websites will tell you when their shoulder season is.” —Terri Pous
6. Research the shit out of where you’re going.
“I will read two to three books on the location if possible. I also make sure to learn a few words and phrases, dress like the locals if possible, and learn the customs and make a list of all the things to avoid that could offend or make me stick out and look like a tourist.” —Geneviève Touzin, Facebook
7. And keep it all in a binder you can bring with you, along with maps, receipts, etc.
“I have a binder full of information; emergency info (hospital, police, emergency contacts), driving/walking directions for every place I will want to go, hotel info (address, phone, reservations), activity info (phone number of location, address, rates, etc.), food info.” —MysteriousNebula
8. Create a super detailed itinerary.
“My anxiety is definitely rooted in the unknown. I create DETAILED itineraries and EVERYONE on the trip gets a copy of these itineraries as well as a family member at home. ALL of this, of course, Is backed up with copies on Google Drive.” —Lauren Quijada, Facebook
9. Check out Google Maps satellite view.
“I like knowing the basic routes from where my hotel/apartment is to wherever it is I am planning to visit. It has helped on multiple occasions to have visual touch points so that I do not feel lost or so out of sorts in the new place. Also, just knowing what the building looks like saves me from spinning in circles trying to read the signs to figure everything out.” —Kristen Scheffel, Facebook
10. Make a packing list, seriously.
“I check the weather and plan accordingly. I then lay out all of the clothes I want to bring, and make sure they’re all 1) things I will wear, 2) functional, 3) versatile with other things in my bag. This prepares me and keeps me from over packing. I list everything I’m choosing to bring, even down to jewelry and electronics. I keep the list and bring it with me while I travel. When I’m packing to go home, I can check the list and make sure I’m not forgetting anything.” —kaleyn
11. Bring clothes that make you feel like taking on the world.
“Calm, comfy, and confident — the only way to travel for me!” —ellioth3
12. Don’t leave anything to the morning or day that you leave.
“I make a checklist for what I will accomplish the night before I leave [for my trip] about week before I leave. When I wake up, I should have accomplished EVERYTHING I needed the night before.” —Ariana Sigel, Facebook
13. Talk to your doctor about potential prescriptions.
“[I bring] Xanax prescribed by my doctor in case I do have an anxiety or panic attack. I don’t take it unless I absolutely need it but when I’m out in the world it is comforting to know that if I have an attack I can help myself within minutes if I have to.” —Flowerpower0813
14. Plan ahead to make going through security as easy as possible.
“I never want to be that one person holding up the line taking off your fancy ass lace up boots or whatever. Wear flip flops, light T-shirt, remove all jewelry (though I’ve been informed small rings and necklaces are ok), and check your pockets for change and balled up tissues that might set off the scanner. Don’t roll up your jeans or have them bunched up at the ankles since that can prompt an extra search too. Leave your jacket in your carry-on and take it out after you clear security if you must have it.” —Carli De La Cruz, Facebook
15. Or just spring for Global Entry so you can get through security faster.
“The possibility of missing flights due to long security lines would give me panic attacks so it was totally worth the hassle and cost.” —maureenc47ee43546
16. Take screenshots of all your flight details, directions, maps, etc. in case you don’t have internet.
17. Make sure your necessities are in your carry-on or try to not check a bag at all.
“I spend pretty much my whole flight worrying that I’ll find out when I get there that they lost my luggage. To help, I make sure my carry-on has enough essentials (two sets of clothes, basic toiletries, that kind of thing) that I wouldn’t be totally screwed if that happened. I won’t check a bag if I can help it, though.” — Anaïs Francis
18. If you’re driving, plan extra time for stops along the way in case you need to take a breather.
“The drive won’t be as exhausting, and you can see more tourist attractions along the way!” —jamielynn117
19. Listen to a chill playlist during boarding and takeoff.
“All my favorite chill songs to close my eyes and relax my muscles.” —Grace Lorette, Facebook
20. Make sure none of your podcasts reference travel-related disasters. Seriously.
“I download podcasts that don’t touch on current events and won’t mention plane crashes (WHICH COME UP A TON IN PODCASTS), like Comedy Bang Bang and Here’s The Thing.” —Terri Pous
21. Consider upgrading to first class if possible.
“I know, it’s hella expensive. I have awful anxiety on planes… but with first class, you have breathing room. You can move around way more easily, you have room to fall asleep comfortably, etc. My anxiety was pretty nonexistent in first class. It was worth it.” —Kiran
22. Don’t assume that your anxiety will hinder or ruin your experience.
“I deal with anxiety and panic attacks on a regular basis, so when I was traveling to Cuba I automatically assumed that I’d be riddled with anxiety and would not be able to have a good time. Because of these thoughts I only became more anxious. I am now not afraid
to vacation because I have learned that if panic ensues it does, but it’s not guaranteed.” —Amanda K., Facebook
23. Be prepared for your schedule to go out the window.
“Be aware and accept ahead of time that so many parts of traveling are out of your control. Go into the situation ready for things to not look exactly how you planned them.” —janayenicolel
24. Limit yourself to one activity per day if you get overwhelmed.
“Trying to squeeze in so much in such limited time can be overwhelming, so I prioritize what I want to see and do in order to allow myself some recuperation time.” —marleypirochta
25. Have some downtime away from the people you’re traveling with.
“I’ve learned that sometimes it pays to stay behind from a meal or event to just have time by myself in the room, take a nap, and refresh. I always felt like I was missing out, but now I realize that it helps me to relax and makes the rest of the vacation enjoyable.” —m4b5ebb41e
26. Stop to do some breathing exercises when you’re too overwhelmed.
“I find two things I can touch, one to hear, and focus on those sensations for three breaths. It helps me center myself before continuing.” —Grace Lorette, Facebook
27. Go on those cheesy tours.
“If the city has one of those red double-decker bus tours, do it! Yes they’re cheesy and you look like such a tourist. But you are a tourist! It’s a great way to see everything and you can hop on or off at any time.” —jessicaj40cc0dce1
28. Don’t try to hide the fact you’re anxious.
“You’d be surprised how often simply telling someone you’re upset will help so much. I find that it brings out a lot of kindness in people which is exactly what I need when I’m having an anxiety attack abroad.” —katherine robinson
29. Journal during downtime.
“It’s not something I do at home, but when I’m away and I need to get my thoughts out, it helps a lot to write them down. It also helps to write the good things down. It’s nice to be able to go back and remember some of the moments my anxiety might otherwise have stolen from me.” —LoisSanborn
30. Check in with people back home if you need.
“I check my Facebook, which is my main source of contact to a lot of people. I do this literally every time we stop so then I can relax and know that everyone is OK, because that is what I’m scared of — missing out on knowing if one of my friends or family members has something bad happen to them.” —justinealid
31. Be kind to yourself and pause for self-care when you need it.
“Give yourself some time alone to check in with yourself. How are you feeling, why are you feeling that way, is there anything practical you can do to help? Let yourself feel your feelings, cry and be sad if you want to, or punch a stack of towels if you want, whatever you need to deal with your emotions. Don’t feel like you’re being selfish by taking time away from everyone else, it’s important to take care of yourself.” —kaleyn
Original article and pictures take https://www.buzzfeed.com/annaborges/travel-anxiety-tips?utm_term=.Hu5qEO9Yoy&bfpi#.Hu5qEO9Yoy site
23 Genius Travel Hacks That’ll Save You Time, Space, and Money
If there’s one thing we share in common with the folks at Buzzfeed Life—other than an abiding love for cat GIFs—it’s an appreciation for hacks (post-gym beauty hacks, baking hacks, the list goes on). This month, we partnered with the site to bring you hacks for one of the biggest holiday stressors: travel. Here, we share the BuzzFeed Life and Birchbox editors’ best tricks for saving time, space, and money on the road.
1. Throw the hotel bar soap into your dirty laundry bag so it doesn’t stink up your suitcase for the rest of your trip. Don’t have any bar soap lying around? Use a dryer sheet.
2. Wear a night moisturizer on long flights because it’s extra hydrating and you’ll have plenty of time to let it sink in and do its job (you know, like fighting wrinkles and brightening skin).
3. Pack items like your laptop in smaller bags so you have options when you’re out and about. You don’t want to have to lug your carry-on bag with you everywhere, do you?
4. Store your power cords in an old sunglass case. It’ll keep you from losing your damn mind. We promise.
5. Ditch the blush, brightener, and lipstick in favor of an all-in-one makeup product (like W3LL People’s Universalist stick). Major space saver, and you now have an excuse to pick up a beauty souvenir while you’re away.
6. Make your own awesome travel beverage. Bring a thermos with lemon, honey, and your own tea bag. Then have the flight attendant fill it with hot water—it makes the flight a tiny bit more relaxing.
7. Use your mascara as an eyeliner—just press the wand as close to your waterline as possible. It won’t approximate a cat eye but it will give you an effortless, smudged look.
8. Infinity scarves give you infinite options. Use one as a blanket when you’re cold, or fold it over your face to block out the light for a nap.
9. Hot tools take up precious suitcase space. Spritz damp hair with sea salt spray, use a towel to tie it up "genie-style," and sleep on it. Unwrap in the morning to reveal beachy waves.
10. If you bring some sort of hot styling tool, tuck it into a potholder to protect the clothes in your suitcase. Or pack a curling iron like this one that comes with a handy heat-resistant carrying case.
11. Leggings are a safe and comfy bet for traveling. Wear them under dresses and skirts, or for a workout (if that’s your thing).
12. Find your product savior. May we suggest a travel-sized Egyptian Magic? It won’t be confiscated by TSA and can be used as a cuticle cream, lip balm, stray brow tamer, flyaway smoother—pretty much everything.
14. Holiday overindulgence equals dull skin. Mask the effects of that eggnog with a brightening sheet mask, like this one. They’re single-use, take up zero space, and revive skin in less than 20 minutes.
15. Wear your heaviest shoes on the plane (like those cute ankle boots you just bought) as well as your heaviest coat. You’ll save room and that coat doubles as a good pillow, too.
16. Just traveling for the weekend? Put your foundation or powder into contact cases to bring small quantities.
17. Pack clothing items around a color scheme (denim/black/white/gray) so that it's easy to mix and match. Dress up your outfits with scarves or jewelry.
18. Stash your bobby pins in a Tic Tac container to keep from losing them.
19. Bring several pairs of underwear in your carry-on—just in case your luggage winds up lost.
20. Collect travel- and sample-size items (gee, where could you find those?) so you’ll have them when you need them.
21. Pre-pack what you can. Always have a toiletry bag ready, so that you don't need to go crazy the night before you leave.
22. Place a cotton pad in your blush or powder compact to ensure that it won’t break while you’re in transit.
23. Wear something with preferably deep pockets on the plane—it’ll prevent you from having to dig through your bag for your phone, wallet, and boarding pass every five minutes.
","discussion":{"numPages":1,"provider":"Disqus","confidence":1,"diffbotUri":"discussion|3|1158026127","pageUrl":"https://www.birchbox.com/magazine/article/buzzfeed-travel-hacks-that-will-save-you-time-space-and-money?utm_source=pinterest","numPosts":23,"type":"discussion","title":"23 Genius Travel Hacks That’ll Save You Time, Space, and Money","posts":[{"date":"Sat, 29 Nov 2014 00:00:00 GMT","humanLanguage":"en","author":"Anda","authorUrl":"https://disqus.com/by/disqus_qQWSGuuaiS/","diffbotUri":"post|3|493758462","html":"
Disposable contact lens cases are a great way to store nail polish for traveling. Fill a couple with your colors of choice and a base/top coat and throw them in a ziplock with a few disposable polish brushes. Voila! They take up much less room.
Also, tea sachets are great suitcase fresheners. Pack a couple of great smelling ones in the pockets of your bag.
","pageUrl":"https://www.birchbox.com/magazine/article/buzzfeed-travel-hacks-that-will-save-you-time-space-and-money?utm_source=pinterest","votes":8,"id":0,"text":"Disposable contact lens cases are a great way to store nail polish for traveling. Fill a couple with your colors of choice and a base/top coat and throw them in a ziplock with a few disposable polish brushes. Voila! They take up much less room. Also, tea sachets are great suitcase fresheners. Pack a couple of great smelling ones in the pockets of your bag.","type":"post"},{"date":"Sat, 29 Nov 2014 00:00:00 GMT","humanLanguage":"en","author":"Bethaney","authorUrl":"https://disqus.com/by/Bethaney/","diffbotUri":"post|3|1851178471","html":"
These are great travel tips! Leggings are my absolute must-have travel item. So comfy and versatile. Don't forget that rolling your clothes and using packing cells makes your packing more efficient. I've got a bunch of travel tips in this post:
","pageUrl":"https://www.birchbox.com/magazine/article/buzzfeed-travel-hacks-that-will-save-you-time-space-and-money?utm_source=pinterest","votes":2,"id":1,"text":"These are great travel tips! Leggings are my absolute must-have travel item. So comfy and versatile. Don't forget that rolling your clothes and using packing cells makes your packing more efficient. I've got a bunch of travel tips in this post: http://flashpackerfamily.com/4...","type":"post"},{"date":"Thu, 03 Sep 2015 18:08:00 GMT","humanLanguage":"en","author":"PortaPocket","authorUrl":"https://disqus.com/by/PortaPocket/","diffbotUri":"post|3|-1317033712","html":"
","pageUrl":"https://www.birchbox.com/magazine/article/buzzfeed-travel-hacks-that-will-save-you-time-space-and-money?utm_source=pinterest","votes":0,"id":2,"text":"excellent, Bethaney! btw...if you ever need pockets for your leggings... http://www.portapocket.com/blo...","type":"post","parentId":1},{"date":"Sun, 10 Jan 2016 12:51:00 GMT","humanLanguage":"en","author":"Bearoy","authorUrl":"https://disqus.com/by/bearoy/","diffbotUri":"post|3|-1421776788","html":"
In case you are planing road-trip do not forget to buy car organizer! The Bearoy car organizer is ideal for long road-trips with kids - it organizes clutter, keeps drinks hot/cold, entertains kids etc. Read more on http://organizer.bearoy.com.
","pageUrl":"https://www.birchbox.com/magazine/article/buzzfeed-travel-hacks-that-will-save-you-time-space-and-money?utm_source=pinterest","votes":1,"id":3,"text":"In case you are planing road-trip do not forget to buy car organizer! The Bearoy car organizer is ideal for long road-trips with kids - it organizes clutter, keeps drinks hot/cold, entertains kids etc. Read more on http://organizer.bearoy.com.","type":"post"},{"date":"Sat, 01 Aug 2015 05:24:00 GMT","humanLanguage":"en","author":"Backpack Babe","authorUrl":"https://disqus.com/by/disqus_aIeeSSP0TX/","diffbotUri":"post|3|1452297226","html":"
great tips! and love a good infinity scarf for traveling. and what a great idea to store bobby pins in tic-tac dispenser!! definitely doing that
","pageUrl":"https://www.birchbox.com/magazine/article/buzzfeed-travel-hacks-that-will-save-you-time-space-and-money?utm_source=pinterest","votes":1,"id":4,"text":"great tips! and love a good infinity scarf for traveling. and what a great idea to store bobby pins in tic-tac dispenser!! definitely doing that","type":"post"},{"date":"Sat, 29 Nov 2014 00:00:00 GMT","humanLanguage":"en","author":"Salsa Your Face","authorUrl":"https://disqus.com/by/SalsaYourFace/","diffbotUri":"post|3|513468177","html":"
You can't take lemon or honey through security in the US, unless you bring single-serving condiment packs and place them inside your plastic toiletry bag.
","pageUrl":"https://www.birchbox.com/magazine/article/buzzfeed-travel-hacks-that-will-save-you-time-space-and-money?utm_source=pinterest","votes":1,"id":5,"text":"You can't take lemon or honey through security in the US, unless you bring single-serving condiment packs and place them inside your plastic toiletry bag.","type":"post"},{"date":"Sat, 29 Nov 2014 00:00:00 GMT","humanLanguage":"en","author":"d marks","authorUrl":"https://disqus.com/by/dmarks/","diffbotUri":"post|3|-94591391","html":"
I must disagree with wearing your heaviest shoes. You're going to be walking around quite a bit so you don't want to wear something that will weigh you down. Plus, when going on a plane you always have to take your shoes off. You want light-weight slip-ons and to not bother with anything too heavy if possible.
","pageUrl":"https://www.birchbox.com/magazine/article/buzzfeed-travel-hacks-that-will-save-you-time-space-and-money?utm_source=pinterest","votes":1,"id":6,"text":"I must disagree with wearing your heaviest shoes. You're going to be walking around quite a bit so you don't want to wear something that will weigh you down. Plus, when going on a plane you always have to take your shoes off. You want light-weight slip-ons and to not bother with anything too heavy if possible.","type":"post"},{"date":"Wed, 19 Oct 2016 12:51:00 GMT","humanLanguage":"en","author":"SpainDriving","authorUrl":"https://disqus.com/by/spaindriving/","diffbotUri":"post|3|1619853748","html":"
Really nice tips, thank you. But personally I don't like wearing makeup while travelling. It's uncomfortable and takes a lot of space in my bag so I give to my skin the opportunity to have a rest.
","pageUrl":"https://www.birchbox.com/magazine/article/buzzfeed-travel-hacks-that-will-save-you-time-space-and-money?utm_source=pinterest","votes":0,"id":7,"text":"Really nice tips, thank you. But personally I don't like wearing makeup while travelling. It's uncomfortable and takes a lot of space in my bag so I give to my skin the opportunity to have a rest.","type":"post"},{"date":"Thu, 29 Sep 2016 00:00:00 GMT","humanLanguage":"en","author":"charlesmccool","authorUrl":"https://disqus.com/by/charlesmccool/","diffbotUri":"post|3|-634680986","html":"
Great tips, I also like to bring a swiss army knife, can get you out of very sticky situations.
","pageUrl":"https://www.birchbox.com/magazine/article/buzzfeed-travel-hacks-that-will-save-you-time-space-and-money?utm_source=pinterest","votes":0,"id":9,"text":"Great tips, I also like to bring a swiss army knife, can get you out of very sticky situations.","type":"post"},{"date":"Fri, 20 Nov 2015 09:41:00 GMT","humanLanguage":"en","author":"HansLysglimtJohansen","authorUrl":"https://disqus.com/by/hanslysglimtjohansen/","diffbotUri":"post|3|713792244","html":"
#travelhack : Web-virtualize your mobile phone number for free with Numbercom. It sends you an SMS with a long link, you click the link, thats all - your number is now verified and virtualized. If you then loose your phone traveling you can still use your mobile number to send SMS, chat, make calls from any browser.
","pageUrl":"https://www.birchbox.com/magazine/article/buzzfeed-travel-hacks-that-will-save-you-time-space-and-money?utm_source=pinterest","votes":0,"id":10,"text":"#travelhack : Web-virtualize your mobile phone number for free with Numbercom. It sends you an SMS with a long link, you click the link, thats all - your number is now verified and virtualized. If you then loose your phone traveling you can still use your mobile number to send SMS, chat, make calls from any browser. https://www.numbercom.com","type":"post"},{"date":"Fri, 30 Oct 2015 05:25:00 GMT","humanLanguage":"en","author":"Gemma","authorUrl":"https://disqus.com/by/disqus_q6IoxO9xl0/","diffbotUri":"post|3|-97730963","html":"
100% yes, do something with your nail polish as Anda said. I had three small varnishes in a tupperware tub (thankfully) as they exploded! Lesson learned. I use a pill tub for jewelry and make up bags for everything - cables, plugs etc. Great read.
","pageUrl":"https://www.birchbox.com/magazine/article/buzzfeed-travel-hacks-that-will-save-you-time-space-and-money?utm_source=pinterest","votes":0,"id":11,"text":"100% yes, do something with your nail polish as Anda said. I had three small varnishes in a tupperware tub (thankfully) as they exploded! Lesson learned. I use a pill tub for jewelry and make up bags for everything - cables, plugs etc. Great read.","type":"post"},{"date":"Mon, 26 Oct 2015 05:56:00 GMT","humanLanguage":"en","author":"Travel Wankers","authorUrl":"https://disqus.com/by/travelwankers/","diffbotUri":"post|3|794661047","html":"
Number 15 is a huge space saver! I always wear the heaviest things for the plane. The tic tac box for bobby pins is a great tip! Haven't heard that before! So many good ideas! I've also got a bunch of packing tips in a blog post of mine.
","pageUrl":"https://www.birchbox.com/magazine/article/buzzfeed-travel-hacks-that-will-save-you-time-space-and-money?utm_source=pinterest","votes":0,"id":12,"text":"Number 15 is a huge space saver! I always wear the heaviest things for the plane. The tic tac box for bobby pins is a great tip! Haven't heard that before! So many good ideas! I've also got a bunch of packing tips in a blog post of mine. https://travelwankers1.wordpre...","type":"post"},{"date":"Mon, 28 Sep 2015 20:02:00 GMT","humanLanguage":"en","author":"Brittany Elise","authorUrl":"https://disqus.com/by/disqus_NEdRu3FZCH/","diffbotUri":"post|3|-899638014","html":"
Fabulous post! So many great ideas!!
Brittany Elise
","pageUrl":"https://www.birchbox.com/magazine/article/buzzfeed-travel-hacks-that-will-save-you-time-space-and-money?utm_source=pinterest","votes":0,"id":13,"text":"Fabulous post! So many great ideas!! Brittany Elise Www.ShopCoutourist.Com","type":"post"},{"date":"Thu, 03 Sep 2015 18:06:00 GMT","humanLanguage":"en","author":"PortaPocket","authorUrl":"https://disqus.com/by/PortaPocket/","diffbotUri":"post|3|36170121","html":"
can always WEAR your pockets on your body.. PortaPocket goes with any outfit and moves from one part of the body to another. Never lose (or sit on, bend on or sweat on) your cell (etc) again. Cheers!
","pageUrl":"https://www.birchbox.com/magazine/article/buzzfeed-travel-hacks-that-will-save-you-time-space-and-money?utm_source=pinterest","votes":0,"id":14,"text":"can always WEAR your pockets on your body.. PortaPocket goes with any outfit and moves from one part of the body to another. Never lose (or sit on, bend on or sweat on) your cell (etc) again. Cheers!","type":"post"},{"date":"Sun, 02 Aug 2015 22:25:00 GMT","humanLanguage":"en","author":"coupleRTW","authorUrl":"https://disqus.com/by/couplertw/","diffbotUri":"post|3|-690233877","html":"
Very interesting tips. We will definitely try some of those...
","pageUrl":"https://www.birchbox.com/magazine/article/buzzfeed-travel-hacks-that-will-save-you-time-space-and-money?utm_source=pinterest","votes":0,"id":15,"text":"Very interesting tips. We will definitely try some of those... www.couplertw.com","type":"post"},{"date":"Mon, 29 Jun 2015 02:07:00 GMT","humanLanguage":"en","author":"Kat Smith","authorUrl":"https://disqus.com/by/disqus_kt1RoeeOqn/","diffbotUri":"post|3|-1833910239","html":"
These are all great tips. Here's another one that will help you find the best hotel at the best price: visit thediscountedhotel.com. Happy travels, everyone.
","pageUrl":"https://www.birchbox.com/magazine/article/buzzfeed-travel-hacks-that-will-save-you-time-space-and-money?utm_source=pinterest","votes":0,"id":16,"text":"These are all great tips. Here's another one that will help you find the best hotel at the best price: visit thediscountedhotel.com. Happy travels, everyone.","type":"post"},{"date":"Sat, 29 Nov 2014 00:00:00 GMT","humanLanguage":"en","author":"Natalie Tanner","authorUrl":"https://disqus.com/by/natalie_tanner/","diffbotUri":"post|3|-711415596","html":"
Interesting tips! Have never used mascara as an eyeliner...will have to give that a try!
","pageUrl":"https://www.birchbox.com/magazine/article/buzzfeed-travel-hacks-that-will-save-you-time-space-and-money?utm_source=pinterest","votes":0,"id":17,"text":"Interesting tips! Have never used mascara as an eyeliner...will have to give that a try! Natalie, The Educational Tourist www.theeducationaltourist.com","type":"post"},{"date":"Sat, 29 Nov 2014 00:00:00 GMT","humanLanguage":"en","author":"Max","authorUrl":"https://disqus.com/by/koralo/","diffbotUri":"post|3|1412911116","html":"
","pageUrl":"https://www.birchbox.com/magazine/article/buzzfeed-travel-hacks-that-will-save-you-time-space-and-money?utm_source=pinterest","votes":0,"id":18,"text":"I have tip 24 for you: Visit www.flight-hotspot.com :D","type":"post"},{"date":"Sat, 29 Nov 2014 00:00:00 GMT","humanLanguage":"en","author":"Nadiya Khan","authorUrl":"https://disqus.com/by/disqus_NV3P1OWR7Q/","diffbotUri":"post|3|1617868699","html":"
I'm taking a big international trip in a couple of weeks and these tips are perfect!!
","pageUrl":"https://www.birchbox.com/magazine/article/buzzfeed-travel-hacks-that-will-save-you-time-space-and-money?utm_source=pinterest","votes":0,"id":19,"text":"I'm taking a big international trip in a couple of weeks and these tips are perfect!! TheDailyDiyaKay.com","type":"post"},{"date":"Sat, 29 Nov 2014 00:00:00 GMT","humanLanguage":"en","author":"Hannah Payne","authorUrl":"https://disqus.com/by/disqus_eYUxqvlyQe/","diffbotUri":"post|3|938263142","html":"
","pageUrl":"https://www.birchbox.com/magazine/article/buzzfeed-travel-hacks-that-will-save-you-time-space-and-money?utm_source=pinterest","votes":0,"id":20,"text":"These tips are BRILLIANT! xoxo Hannah Practically Imperfect","type":"post"},{"date":"Sat, 29 Nov 2014 00:00:00 GMT","humanLanguage":"en","author":"Frank","authorUrl":"https://disqus.com/by/disqus_jvXISZoqlx/","diffbotUri":"post|3|1190566130","html":"
This is a complete waste of time for men. Please include this somehow in your next title...
","pageUrl":"https://www.birchbox.com/magazine/article/buzzfeed-travel-hacks-that-will-save-you-time-space-and-money?utm_source=pinterest","votes":0,"id":21,"text":"This is a complete waste of time for men. Please include this somehow in your next title...","type":"post"},{"date":"Fri, 04 Sep 2015 02:16:00 GMT","humanLanguage":"en","author":"Jennifer Munro","authorUrl":"https://disqus.com/by/disqus_vICFkvy6gV/","diffbotUri":"post|3|989822213","html":"
I disagree; there are several great tips here for people who don't wear makeup or heat-style their hair. I suggest that you appreciate the information that's directly relevant to yourself, use your imagination to appropriate some of the other pieces, and keep all of these tips in mind to share with anyone and everyone you encounter who might find them handy.
Original article and pictures take https://www.birchbox.com/magazine/article/buzzfeed-travel-hacks-that-will-save-you-time-space-and-money?utm_source=pinterest&utm_medium=statusupdate&utm_campaign=Pinterest_110414_TravelHacks_Magazine&crlt.pid=camp.Iq8SM2Pdw9pf site
“There are those who say fate is something beyond our command, that destiny is not our own. But I know better. Our fate lives within us, you only have to be brave enough to see it.” —Princess Merida
“All those days watching from the window, all those years outside looking in, all that time never even knowing just how blind I’ve been. And it’s like the fog has lifted, and at last I see the light. —Rapunzel
“It means no worries for the rest of your days. It’s our problem-free philosophy, Hakuna Matata!” —Timon and Pumbaa
Submitted by Millie Galloway, Facebook
Original article and pictures take http://www.buzzfeed.com/jonmichaelpoff/invaluable-life-lessons-we-learned-from-disney-movies?sub=3741661_5399459&utm_term=.bc2bK1JEJ&fb_ref=.irmj1EBJB site